Regularly ensuring that websites are secure on a daily basis is something that should be done

Website Security Services

An organization’s lifeblood is its websites, applications, employees, and networks. It is imperative that your website maintains a alpha web of internet safety. Though alpha web maintenance security portfolio addresses every aspect of Internet connectivity. All of this without being overly complicated. Having a working website is essential for every business owner. You need a web presence to be recognized and to be part of your marketing strategy. Make sure you’ve website security services! We do all the mentioned stuff as part of our website maintenance services.
Security services, Website Security Services

How To Find Security Issues In A Website.

People contact me daily about security issues on website. Usually they don’t “lock down” their website proactively, but they panic when get hacked because their users notify them, and they’re losing money as a result. The following are issues I see frequently. Fixing these issues proactively can save you from big mess in future. I can help you do a website audit and fix your website security issues.

Automatic backups

Websites are not the only targets of hackers. Their virus and malware attacks websites. When viruses and malware are developed, they attack any website that’s vulnerable automatically.

Theft of usernames and passwords

The theft of usernames and passwords is another common form of website attack. Your website will be taken over by attackers if you get your admin username and password stolen.
Also, attackers might steal your visitors’ passwords and usernames.

An automated attack on a website

DDoS stands for distributed denial of service. Website attacks like this are characterized by spoof visitors overloading your site. You can’t access your website if this kind of attack overwhelms it.

A virus or a malware

Viruses affect most people’s computers. Websites can also be attacked by viruses and malware. Websites get infected with different kinds of viruses and malware. Links to your website are used to spread viruses and malware. You will experience problems with your website and the computers of your clients. Visitors to the website are infected with viruses when they click on the link.

An automated attack on a website

Websites are not the only targets of hackers. Their virus and malware attacks websites. When viruses and malware are developed, they attack any website that’s vulnerable automatically.

Theft of usernames and passwords

The theft of usernames and passwords is another common form of website attack. Your website will be taken over by attackers if you get your admin username and password stolen.
Also, attackers might steal your visitors’ passwords and usernames.

How To Find Security Issues In A Website.


Website Maintenance Services

Security Certificate

Every website has to use https. There’s more to it than just a certificate. You must configure and force the code to load on all web pages.


Website Maintenance Services

Website Backups

What was the last time you had a website backup of your site that wasn’t on your web hosting company’s server? (Don’t rely on your web host to backup!)


Website Maintenance Services

Website Errors

Have you got any website errors? How’s your error log? Have you reviewed it lately for security issues?


Website Maintenance Services

Password Security

When was the last time you changed your website password? Get it done now, and make sure it’s a strong one!

Scheduled Scans

Automated network audits that run at a specific time and date. You can schedule scans to run once or periodically.

Blocklist Monitoring

Blacklisted websites warn internet users about potentially dangerous sites and block them from accessing them. In the event that your website has been blacklisted, you should take action immediately in order to resolve the matter. Having your website in this state can harm your organization's online reputation. But look no further other then (web name) as we provide this service under the dedicated and professional team.

Vulnerability Reports

Make sure your website is secure with HTTP security headers and known vulnerabilities A passive web security scan conducted by alpha web maintenance website vulnerability scanner detects issues such as outdated server software and insecure HTTP headers.

Website security resources

Get updated with thelatest news abuot our company’s achievements and activities

Website Maintenance Services

Website Maintenance Plan

We’ve got a website maintenance plan that’s going to save you stretch and will be cost effective. We all know that maintaining a website is challenging. It’s important to keep your site updated, secure, and unable to hack.

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Website Maintenance Services

Website Support

How does website support work? We provide a variety of website support services to ensure your website isn’t taken down by improving website performance and reliability.

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Website Maintenance Services

The True Website Maintenance Cost

Do you know what website maintenance consist of? Website Maintenance Cost might not occur to you until it’s too late. You can make or break your website with Website Maintenance Cost.

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We secure your website by implementing these methods

As we’ve seen, there are different types of attacks your website can experience, so let’s take a look at how to protect it.


Secure your website, Website Security Services

We Audit Your Website Considerately, Then Make SEO Recommendations

We conduct a detailed review of your website, taking into consideration all critical SEO aspects. Our team evaluates factors such as website architecture, meta tags, header tags, URL structure, mobile-friendliness, site speed, and more.

Frequently Asked Question

To help you learn more about alpha web maintenance, our methodology and business processes, we’ve put together a few Frequently Asked Questions…

Keeping a website secure from cyberattacks is website security. The security of a website is an ongoing process and an essential part of website management.

The alpha web maintenance approach improves cyber security in three ways. This includes the latest cyber security tools, industry best practices, and cybersecurity expertise that you can only get from us. Often, we can manage some (or all) of the technology you’ve already invested in through our partnerships.

Malware can be picked up even if you’re careful.

  • Maintaining a database.
  • Keeping track of site files.
  • An encryption system.
  • Upkeep of the server.
  • Management and registry of domain names.
  • Scanning for web vulnerabilities.
  • Plan for the compatibility of plug-ins.
  • Copywriting, graphic design, and search engine optimization

You can protect your customers and brand reputation with a website security service. Blogs and business websites aren’t exempt; hackers will steal anything they can.

Monitoring and defending your website is easier than dealing with a hacked website. Before a data breach or compromise happens, make sure you have an emergency response plan.

To find the right website security solution for you, we encourage you to research your options.

A website firewall is a security service that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing traffic to a website. It acts as a barrier between a website and the internet, blocking malicious traffic and protecting the site from hacking attempts, DDoS attacks, and other security threats.

In the event of a security breach or attack on a client’s website, our security team will immediately investigate and identify the source of the problem. We will then work to contain the issue and prevent further damage, while also restoring any lost or compromised data.

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Website Maintenance Services

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(319) 855-1830

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